Tôi có này ...
int iTone = 40; //Tone to be interpreted
iSmplRate = 32000; //Sample Rate
int NumBytesPerSample = 16; // 8 or 16
int NumChannels = 2; //1 Mono, 2 Stereo
double Duration = 6.5; //Seconds performing
Short sAmplit = 1200;
int iNumSmpl = (int)(SampleRate*Duration);
NumTotalBytes = (int)(SampleRate*Duration*NumBytesPerSample*NumChannels);
ByteBuffer bbWav = ByteBuffer.allocate(NumTotalBytes);
double dMaxInstr = (double)Short.MIN_VALUE;
double dMinInstr = (double)Short.MAX_VALUE;
//Amplitude for violin's armonics
double[] violAmps = {1.0, 0.286699025, 0.150079537, 0.042909002,
0.203797365, 0.229228698, 0.156931925,
0.115470898, 0.0, 0.097401803, 0.087653465,
0.052331036, 0.052922462, 0.038850593,
0.053554676, 0.053697434, 0.022270261,
0.013072562, 0.008585879, 0.005771505,
0.004343925, 0.002141371, 0.005343231,
0.000530244, 0.004711017, 0.009014153};
//Amplitude for piano's armonics
double[] pianAmps = {1.0, 0.399064778, 0.229404484, 0.151836061,
0.196754229, 0.093742264, 0.060871957,
0.138605419, 0.010535002, 0.071021868,
0.029954614, 0.051299684, 0.055948288,
0.066208224, 0.010067391, 0.00753679,
0.008196947, 0.012955577, 0.007316738,
0.006216476, 0.005116215, 0.006243983,
0.002860679, 0.002558108, 0.0, 0.001650392};
double[] operator = {1.0};
if (instrument.equals("violin")) {
operator = violAmps;
if (instrument.equals("piano")) {
operator = pianAmps;
double dFreq = 440.0*Math.pow(2.0, (iTone-69)/12.0;
double dFreqRel = iSmplRate/dFreq;
Integer iSampleInstrument = null;
double PI2 = 2*Math.PI;
int[] iSamplesInstr = new int[iNumSmpl];
for (int i = 0;i < iNumSmpl; i++) {
Double Angle = i*PI2/dFreqRel;
Double dInstrument = 0.0;
for (int a = 1; a <=operator.length; a++) {
dInstrument += operator[a-1]*Math.sin((double)a*Angle);
dMaxInstr = (dInstrument>dMaxInstr)?dInstrument:dMaxInstr;
dMinInstr = (dInstrument<dMinInstr)?dInstrument:dMinInstr;
iSampleInstrument = (int)(sAmplit*dInstrument);
if (instrument.equals("violin")) {
double FreqEnvV = iSmplRate/6.0;
double FracEnvV = 35.0;
double dEnvViolin = sAmplit*DStepperExt(Math.sin(1.0*i*PI2/FreqEnvV),4)/FracEnvV;
iSampleInstrument = (int)(iSampleInstrument+dEnvViolin);
if (instrument.equals("piano")) {
double FracEnvP = 8.0/10.0;
double AngP = (double)i/(iSmplRate*FracEnvP);
double EnvPiano = 1.0/Math.exp(AngP);
iSampleInstrument = (int)(iSampleInstrument*EnvPiano);
dMxSmplInstr = (iSampleInstrument>dMxSmplInstr)?iSampleInstrument:dMxSmplInstr;
dMnSmplInstr = (iSampleInstrument<dMnSmplInstr)?iSampleInstrument:dMnSmplInstr;
iSamplesInstr[i] = iSampleInstrument;
double dMaxAbs =
double dMxAbsSmpl =
double dNormal = 1.0;
if (dMxAbsSmpl > 32768.0) {
dNormal = 32768.0/dMxAbsSmpl;
for (int i = 0;i < iNumSmpl; i++) {
short sSampleInst = (short)(iSamplesInstr[i]*dNormal);
try {
if (iNumByteSmpl == 2) {
bbWav.put((byte)((sSampleInst >> 0) & 0xFF));
bbWav.put((byte)((sSampleInst >> 8) & 0xFF));
if (iNumChnnls == 2) {
bbWav.put((byte)((sSampleInst >> 0) & 0xFF));
bbWav.put((byte)((sSampleInst >> 8) & 0xFF));
} else {
byte ByteSample = (byte)((sSampleInst >> 8) & 0xFF);
short ShrtSample = (short)(ByteSample & 0xFF);
ShrtSample += 128;
bbWav.put((byte)(ShrtSample & 0xFF));
if (iNumChnnls == 2) {
bbWav.put((byte)(ShrtSample & 0xFF));
} catch (Exception e) {
Mã này được sử dụng trong Violin cụ:
private Double DStepperExt(Double Val, Integer Steps) {
//Return a value inside in range defined by step
//Divide [-1.0,1.0]/(Steps-1), retorning the value according to the range
//The value must be between 0.0 and 1.0
if (Steps <= 0.0) {
return 0.0;
if (Val != -1.0 && Val != 1.0) {
Val = Val - Val.intValue();
Double sDouble = new Double(Steps-1);
Double bdStep = 2.0/sDouble;
Double bdRef = bdStep/2.0;
bdRef = bdRef - 1.0;
Double bdInit = -1.0;
Double bdRet = null;
for (int c = 0; c<=sDouble;c++) {
if (Val < bdRef) {
bdRet = bdInit;
} else {
bdInit = bdInit+bdStep;
bdRef = bdRef+bdStep;
return Math.min(bdRet.doubleValue(),1.0);
Hãy thử mã này, âm thanh của tôi là không hoàn hảo nhưng là rất giống nhau.
Tuyệt vời, rất giống nhau ... – Anita
mã này có nhiều khai báo thiếu, là tên biến mơ hồ. không thể chạy. pelase khai báo chênh lệch không khai báo, hoặc loại bỏ chúng khỏi mã. biến thể không khai báo được sử dụng trong mã mà không phải là một giá trị initalized .... ngay bây giờ, mã chỉ được lấy cảm hứng từ. –