Cảm ơn Dan, Được rồi .. Câu trả lời cho câu hỏi đầu tiên tôi có. Đáng buồn thay không phải là thứ hai. Lưu ý: Không phải mọi thứ in .. Tín dụng cho PInvoke.net
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
static class Program
[DllImport("Shlwapi.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern uint AssocQueryString(AssocF flags, AssocStr str, string pszAssoc, string pszExtra, [Out] StringBuilder pszOut, [In][Out] ref uint pcchOut);
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
Debug.WriteLine(FileExtentionInfo(AssocStr.Command, ".doc"), "Command");
Debug.WriteLine(FileExtentionInfo(AssocStr.DDEApplication, ".doc"), "DDEApplication");
Debug.WriteLine(FileExtentionInfo(AssocStr.DDEIfExec, ".doc"), "DDEIfExec");
Debug.WriteLine(FileExtentionInfo(AssocStr.DDETopic, ".doc"), "DDETopic");
Debug.WriteLine(FileExtentionInfo(AssocStr.Executable, ".doc"), "Executable");
Debug.WriteLine(FileExtentionInfo(AssocStr.FriendlyAppName, ".doc"), "FriendlyAppName");
Debug.WriteLine(FileExtentionInfo(AssocStr.FriendlyDocName, ".doc"), "FriendlyDocName");
Debug.WriteLine(FileExtentionInfo(AssocStr.NoOpen, ".doc"), "NoOpen");
Debug.WriteLine(FileExtentionInfo(AssocStr.ShellNewValue, ".doc"), "ShellNewValue");
// DDEApplication: WinWord
//DDEIfExec: Ñﻴ߾
// DDETopic: System
// Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE
// FriendlyAppName: Microsoft Office Word
// FriendlyDocName: Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document
public static string FileExtentionInfo(AssocStr assocStr, string doctype)
uint pcchOut = 0;
AssocQueryString(AssocF.Verify, assocStr, doctype, null, null, ref pcchOut);
StringBuilder pszOut = new StringBuilder((int)pcchOut);
AssocQueryString(AssocF.Verify, assocStr, doctype, null, pszOut, ref pcchOut);
return pszOut.ToString();
public enum AssocF
Init_NoRemapCLSID = 0x1,
Init_ByExeName = 0x2,
Open_ByExeName = 0x2,
Init_DefaultToStar = 0x4,
Init_DefaultToFolder = 0x8,
NoUserSettings = 0x10,
NoTruncate = 0x20,
Verify = 0x40,
RemapRunDll = 0x80,
NoFixUps = 0x100,
IgnoreBaseClass = 0x200
public enum AssocStr
Command = 1,
tôi nghĩ rằng hai câu hỏi của bạn khá là không liên quan. –