2013-08-09 47 views

Tôi bắt đầu triển khai hệ thống trò chuyện trên web bằng cách sử dụng chatjs.net. Nhưng tôi tự hỏi danh sách bạn bè nên liên kết danh sách trò chuyện. tôi giới thiệu trò chuyện trong phòng với ROOM_ID_STUB là tên người dùng đã đăng nhập. Nhưng danh sách bạn bè trong trường hợp của tôi sẽ hiển thị người dùng trực tuyến và ngoại tuyến, không giống như tất cả các mẫu chatjs.net sẽ chỉ là phòng đơn.Danh sách bạn bè trò chuyện với chatjs.net SignalR MVC

Bất cứ ai có thể gợi ý cho tôi cách thích hợp để ràng buộc danh sách bạn bè của tôi và mỗi người dùng đã đăng nhập sẽ có phòng trò chuyện và họ chia sẻ danh sách trò chuyện phòng với nhau không ??

public class ChatHub : Hub, IChatHub 
     /// <summary> 
     /// This STUB. In a normal situation, there would be multiple rooms and the user room would have to be 
     /// determined by the user profile 
     /// </summary> 
     public const string ROOM_ID_STUB = "chatjs-room"; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Current connections 
     /// 1 room has many users that have many connections (2 open browsers from the same user represents 2 connections) 
     /// </summary> 
     private static readonly Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, List<string>>> connections = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, List<string>>>(); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// This is STUB. This will SIMULATE a database of chat messages 
     /// </summary> 
     private static readonly List<DbChatMessageStub> dbChatMessagesStub = new List<DbChatMessageStub>(); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// This method is STUB. This will SIMULATE a database of users 
     /// </summary> 
     private static readonly List<DbUserStub> dbUsersStub = new List<DbUserStub>(); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// This method is STUB. In a normal situation, the user info would come from the database so this method wouldn't be necessary. 
     /// It's only necessary because this class is simulating the database 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="newUser"></param> 
     public static void RegisterNewUser(DbUserStub newUser) 
      if (newUser == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("newUser"); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// This method is STUB. Returns if a user is registered in the FAKE DB. 
     /// Normally this wouldn't be necessary. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="user"></param> 
     /// <returns></returns> 
     public static bool IsUserRegisteredInDbUsersStub(DbUserStub user) 
      return dbUsersStub.Any(u => u.Id == user.Id); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Tries to find a user with the provided e-mail 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="email"></param> 
     /// <returns></returns> 
     public static DbUserStub FindUserByEmail(string email) 
      if (email == null) return null; 
      return dbUsersStub.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == email); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// If the specified user is connected, return information about the user 
     /// </summary> 
     public ChatUser GetUserInfo(int userId) 
      var user = dbUsersStub.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == userId); 
      return user == null ? null : GetChatUserFromDbUserId(userId); 

     private ChatUser GetChatUserFromDbUserId(int dbUserId) 
      var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId(); 

      // this is STUB. Normally you would go to the database get the real user 
      var dbUser = dbUsersStub.First(u => u.Id == dbUserId); 

      ChatUser.StatusType userStatus; 
      lock (connections) 
       userStatus = connections.ContainsKey(myRoomId) 
           ? (connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(dbUser.Id) 
             ? ChatUser.StatusType.Online 
             : ChatUser.StatusType.Offline) 
           : ChatUser.StatusType.Offline; 
      return new ChatUser() 
       Id = dbUser.Id, 
       Name = dbUser.FullName, 
       Status = userStatus, 
       ProfilePictureUrl = GravatarHelper.GetGravatarUrl(GravatarHelper.GetGravatarHash(dbUser.Email), GravatarHelper.Size.s32) 

     private ChatMessage GetChatMessage(DbChatMessageStub chatMessage, string clientGuid) 
      return new ChatMessage() 
       Message = chatMessage.Message, 
       UserFrom = this.GetChatUserFromDbUserId(chatMessage.UserFromId), 
       UserTo = this.GetChatUserFromDbUserId(chatMessage.UserToId), 
       ClientGuid = clientGuid 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Returns my user id 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <returns></returns> 
     private int GetMyUserId() 
      // This would normally be done like this: 
      //var userPrincipal = this.Context.User as AuthenticatedPrincipal; 
      //if (userPrincipal == null) 
      // throw new NotAuthorizedException(); 

      //var userData = userPrincipal.Profile; 
      //return userData.Id; 

      // But for this example, it will get my user from the cookie 
      return ChatCookieHelperStub.GetDbUserFromCookie(this.Context.Request).Id; 

     private string GetMyRoomId() 
      // This would normally be done like this: 
      //var userPrincipal = this.Context.User as AuthenticatedPrincipal; 
      //if (userPrincipal == null) 
      // throw new NotAuthorizedException(); 

      //var userData = userPrincipal.Profile; 
      //return userData.MyTenancyIdentifier; 

      // But for this example, it will always return "chatjs-room", because we have only one room. 
      return ROOM_ID_STUB; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Broadcasts to all users in the same room the new users list 
     /// </summary> 
     private void BroadcastUsersList() 
      var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId(); 
      var connectionIds = new List<string>(); 
      lock (connections) 
       if (connections.ContainsKey(myRoomId)) 
        connectionIds = connections[myRoomId].Keys.SelectMany(userId => connections[myRoomId][userId]).ToList(); 

      // gets the current room user's list 

      // this is STUB. You would normally go to the database to get the real room users 
      var dbRoomUsers = dbUsersStub.Where(u => u.TenancyId == myRoomId).OrderBy(u => u.FullName).ToList(); 
      var usersList = dbRoomUsers.Select(u => this.GetChatUserFromDbUserId(u.Id)).ToList(); 

      foreach (var connectionId in connectionIds) 

     private DbChatMessageStub PersistMessage(int otherUserId, string message) 
      var myUserId = this.GetMyUserId(); 

      // this is STUB. Normally you would go to the real database to get the my user and the other user 
      var myUser = dbUsersStub.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == myUserId); 
      var otherUser = dbUsersStub.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == otherUserId); 

      if (myUser == null || otherUser == null) 
       return null; 

      var dbChatMessage = new DbChatMessageStub() 
       Date = DateTime.UtcNow, 
       Message = message, 
       UserFromId = myUserId, 
       UserToId = otherUserId, 
       TenancyId = myUser.TenancyId 

      // this is STUB. Normally you would add the dbMessage to the real database 

      // normally you would save the database changes 

      return dbChatMessage; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Returns the message history 
     /// </summary> 
     public List<ChatMessage> GetMessageHistory(int otherUserId) 
      var myUserId = this.GetMyUserId(); 
      // this is STUB. Normally you would go to the real database to get the messages 
      var dbMessages = dbChatMessagesStub 
            m => 
            (m.UserToId == myUserId && m.UserFromId == otherUserId) || 
            (m.UserToId == otherUserId && m.UserFromId == myUserId)) 
           .OrderByDescending(m => m.Date).Take(30).ToList(); 

      return dbMessages.Select(m => this.GetChatMessage(m, null)).ToList(); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Sends a message to a particular user 
     /// </summary> 
     public void SendMessage(int otherUserId, string message, string clientGuid) 
      var myUserId = this.GetMyUserId(); 
      var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId(); 

      var dbChatMessage = PersistMessage(otherUserId, message); 
      var connectionIds = new List<string>(); 
      lock (connections) 
       if (connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(otherUserId)) 
       if (connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(myUserId)) 
      foreach (var connectionId in connectionIds) 
       this.Clients.Client(connectionId).sendMessage(this.GetChatMessage(dbChatMessage, clientGuid)); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Sends a typing signal to a particular user 
     /// </summary> 
     public void SendTypingSignal(int otherUserId) 
      var myUserId = this.GetMyUserId(); 
      var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId(); 

      var connectionIds = new List<string>(); 
      lock (connections) 
       if (connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(otherUserId)) 
      foreach (var connectionId in connectionIds) 

     public override Task OnConnected() 
      var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId(); 
      var myUserId = this.GetMyUserId(); 

      lock (connections) 
       if (!connections.ContainsKey(myRoomId)) 
        connections[myRoomId] = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>(); 

       if (!connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(myUserId)) 
        connections[myRoomId][myUserId] = new List<string>(); 



      return base.OnConnected(); 

     public override Task OnDisconnected() 
      var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId(); 
      var myUserId = this.GetMyUserId(); 

      lock (connections) 
       if (connections.ContainsKey(myRoomId)) 
        if (connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(myUserId)) 
         if (connections[myRoomId][myUserId].Contains(this.Context.ConnectionId)) 
          if (!connections[myRoomId][myUserId].Any()) 
           Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 
             // this will run in separate thread. 
             // If the user is away for more than 10 seconds it will be removed from 
             // the room. 
             // In a normal situation this wouldn't be done because normally the users in a 
             // chat room are fixed, like when you have 1 chat room for each tenancy 
             if (!connections[myRoomId].ContainsKey(myUserId)) 
              var myDbUser = dbUsersStub.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == myUserId); 
              if (myDbUser != null) 

      return base.OnDisconnected(); 

@ My.LamYahoo bạn đã quản lý để đạt được mục tiêu của bạn? Tôi muốn thực hiện cùng một hành vi sử dụng danh sách bạn bè nhưng phải đối mặt với cùng một vấn đề. –


@PiotrPtak - Tôi đã giải quyết nó, trong phương thức BroadcastUsersList(), var usersList = danh sách bạn bè của bạn. –

Trả lời

private void BroadcastUsersList() 
      var myRoomId = this.GetMyRoomId(); 
      var connectionIds = new List<string>(); 
      lock (connections) 
       if (connections.ContainsKey(myRoomId)) 
        connectionIds = connections[myRoomId].Keys.SelectMany(userId => connections[myRoomId][userId]).ToList(); 

      List<UserSite> dbRoomUsers = new List<UserSite>(); 
      int myId = GetMyUserId(); 
      List<Int>listFriendId = getListUserIdFriendOfUser(myId); 
      foreach (var item in dbUsersStub) 
       if (listFriendId.Contains(item.Id)) 
      var usersList = dbRoomUsers.Select(u => this.GetChatUserFromDbUserId(u.Id)).ToList(); 

      foreach (var connectionId in connectionIds) 