Giải pháp tốt nhất mà tôi có thể tìm thấy là làm cho phiên bản riêng của tôi về QueuedTaskScheduler
(ban đầu được tìm thấy trong mã Parallel Extensions Extras Samples nguồn).
Tôi đã thêm tham số bool awaitWrappedTasks
vào các hàm tạo của QueuedTaskScheduler
public QueuedTaskScheduler(
TaskScheduler targetScheduler,
int maxConcurrencyLevel,
bool awaitWrappedTasks = false)
_awaitWrappedTasks = awaitWrappedTasks;
public QueuedTaskScheduler(
int threadCount,
string threadName = "",
bool useForegroundThreads = false,
ThreadPriority threadPriority = ThreadPriority.Normal,
ApartmentState threadApartmentState = ApartmentState.MTA,
int threadMaxStackSize = 0,
Action threadInit = null,
Action threadFinally = null,
bool awaitWrappedTasks = false)
_awaitWrappedTasks = awaitWrappedTasks;
// code starting threads (removed here in example)
sau đó tôi sửa đổi phương pháp ProcessPrioritizedAndBatchedTasks()
là async
private async void ProcessPrioritizedAndBatchedTasks()
sau đó tôi sửa đổi mã ngay sau phần nơi scheduled task được thực hiện:
private async void ProcessPrioritizedAndBatchedTasks()
bool continueProcessing = true;
while (!_disposeCancellation.IsCancellationRequested && continueProcessing)
// Note that we're processing tasks on this thread
_taskProcessingThread.Value = true;
// Until there are no more tasks to process
while (!_disposeCancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
// Try to get the next task. If there aren't any more, we're done.
Task targetTask;
lock (_nonthreadsafeTaskQueue)
if (_nonthreadsafeTaskQueue.Count == 0) break;
targetTask = _nonthreadsafeTaskQueue.Dequeue();
// If the task is null, it's a placeholder for a task in the round-robin queues.
// Find the next one that should be processed.
QueuedTaskSchedulerQueue queueForTargetTask = null;
if (targetTask == null)
lock (_queueGroups) FindNextTask_NeedsLock(out targetTask, out queueForTargetTask);
// Now if we finally have a task, run it. If the task
// was associated with one of the round-robin schedulers, we need to use it
// as a thunk to execute its task.
if (targetTask != null)
if (queueForTargetTask != null) queueForTargetTask.ExecuteTask(targetTask);
else TryExecuteTask(targetTask);
if (_awaitWrappedTasks)
var targetTaskType = targetTask.GetType();
if (targetTaskType.IsConstructedGenericType && typeof(Task).IsAssignableFrom(targetTaskType.GetGenericArguments()[0]))
dynamic targetTaskDynamic = targetTask;
// Here we await the completion of the proxy task.
// We do not await the proxy task directly, because that would result in that await will throw the exception of the wrapped task (if one existed)
// In the continuation we then simply return the value of the exception object so that the exception (stored in the proxy task) does not go totally unobserved (that could cause the process to crash)
await TaskExtensions.Unwrap(targetTaskDynamic).ContinueWith((Func<Task, Exception>)(t => t.Exception), TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);
// ***** MODIFIED CODE END ****
// Now that we think we're done, verify that there really is
// no more work to do. If there's not, highlight
// that we're now less parallel than we were a moment ago.
lock (_nonthreadsafeTaskQueue)
if (_nonthreadsafeTaskQueue.Count == 0)
continueProcessing = false;
_taskProcessingThread.Value = false;
Việc thay đổi phương pháp ThreadBasedDispatchLoop
có một chút khác biệt, trong đó chúng tôi không thể sử dụng từ khóa async
hoặc người nào khác, chúng tôi sẽ phá vỡ chức năng cũ tạo ra các nhiệm vụ theo lịch trình trong các chủ đề chuyên dụng. Vì vậy, đây là phiên bản sửa đổi của ThreadBasedDispatchLoop
private void ThreadBasedDispatchLoop(Action threadInit, Action threadFinally)
_taskProcessingThread.Value = true;
if (threadInit != null) threadInit();
// If the scheduler is disposed, the cancellation token will be set and
// we'll receive an OperationCanceledException. That OCE should not crash the process.
// If a thread abort occurs, we'll try to reset it and continue running.
while (true)
// For each task queued to the scheduler, try to execute it.
foreach (var task in _blockingTaskQueue.GetConsumingEnumerable(_disposeCancellation.Token))
Task targetTask = task;
// If the task is not null, that means it was queued to this scheduler directly.
// Run it.
if (targetTask != null)
// If the task is null, that means it's just a placeholder for a task
// queued to one of the subschedulers. Find the next task based on
// priority and fairness and run it.
// Find the next task based on our ordering rules...
QueuedTaskSchedulerQueue queueForTargetTask;
lock (_queueGroups) FindNextTask_NeedsLock(out targetTask, out queueForTargetTask);
// ... and if we found one, run it
if (targetTask != null) queueForTargetTask.ExecuteTask(targetTask);
if (_awaitWrappedTasks)
var targetTaskType = targetTask.GetType();
if (targetTaskType.IsConstructedGenericType && typeof(Task).IsAssignableFrom(targetTaskType.GetGenericArguments()[0]))
dynamic targetTaskDynamic = targetTask;
// Here we wait for the completion of the proxy task.
// We do not wait for the proxy task directly, because that would result in that Wait() will throw the exception of the wrapped task (if one existed)
// In the continuation we then simply return the value of the exception object so that the exception (stored in the proxy task) does not go totally unobserved (that could cause the process to crash)
TaskExtensions.Unwrap(targetTaskDynamic).ContinueWith((Func<Task, Exception>)(t => t.Exception), TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously).Wait();
catch (ThreadAbortException)
// If we received a thread abort, and that thread abort was due to shutting down
// or unloading, let it pass through. Otherwise, reset the abort so we can
// continue processing work items.
if (!Environment.HasShutdownStarted && !AppDomain.CurrentDomain.IsFinalizingForUnload())
catch (OperationCanceledException) { }
// Run a cleanup routine if there was one
if (threadFinally != null) threadFinally();
_taskProcessingThread.Value = false;
Tôi đã thử nghiệm này và nó mang lại cho các đầu ra mong muốn. Kỹ thuật này cũng có thể được sử dụng cho bất kỳ trình lên lịch nào khác. Ví dụ. LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler
và OrderedTaskScheduler
Vâng, những gì bạn muốn là xử lý mức độ ưu tiên của tác vụ, nhưng không chạy chúng ở chế độ song song? bạn có thể không chỉ giới hạn số lượng các chuỗi đồng thời trong bộ lập lịch biểu của bạn không? – Kek
@Kek 'new QueuedTaskScheduler (targetScheduler: TaskScheduler.Default, maxConcurrencyLevel: 1);' ở trên thực hiện chính xác (giới hạn số lượng các chuỗi đồng thời tới 1) –