Tôi vừa làm vậy. Vì vậy, tôi gặp nhiều lỗi trong tất cả các dự án, như
...\res\values\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
...\res\values-v11\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
...\res\values-v14\styles.xml:8: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar'.
...\res\values\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
...\res\values-v11\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
...\res\values-v14\styles.xml:8: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar'.
...\res\values\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
...\res\values-v11\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
...\res\values-v14\styles.xml:8: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar'.
...\res\values\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
...\res\values-v11\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
...\res\values-v11\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar'.
...\res\values\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
...\res\values-v11\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
...\res\values-v14\styles.xml:8: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar'.
...\res\values\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
...\res\values-v11\styles.xml:7: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
...\res\values-v14\styles.xml:8: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar'.
Điều này có nghĩa là các tài nguyên được đề cập không còn khả dụng cho các dự án của tôi nữa.
Sau đó, tôi tiếp tục thêm v7 appcompat
và tôi đã không thể loại bỏ các lỗi của mình. Vì vậy, tôi đã xóa nó, và nhầm lẫn xóa các dự án từ đĩa cũng nên cài đặt những tàn dư (tôi đoán) của nó, và điều này đã không kết thúc tốt một trong hai:
[2014-12-07 06:25:16 - android-support-v7-gridlayout] Unable to resolve target 'android-7'
[2014-12-07 06:25:16 - android-support-v7-mediarouter] Unable to resolve target 'android-17'
[2014-12-07 06:25:16 - android-support-v7-palette] Unable to resolve target 'android-7'
[2014-12-07 06:25:17 - android-support-v7-gridlayout] Unable to resolve target 'android-7'
[2014-12-07 06:25:17 - android-support-v7-palette] Unable to resolve target 'android-7'
[2014-12-07 06:25:22 - android-support-v7-mediarouter] Unable to resolve target 'android-17'
...\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\mediarouter\res\values\styles.xml:18: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Widget.AppCompat.ActionButton'.
...\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\mediarouter\res\values\styles.xml:28: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Widget.AppCompat.Light.ActionButton'.
...\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\mediarouter\res\values\styles.xml:18: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Widget.AppCompat.ActionButton'.
...\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\mediarouter\res\values\styles.xml:28: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Widget.AppCompat.Light.ActionButton'.
[2014-12-07 06:25:26 - android-support-v7-mediarouter]
Vì vậy, yeah, KHÔNG DO CNTT!