2013-09-22 67 views

Tôi đang có dịch vụ nơi tôi muốn sử dụng mô-đun $ cookieStore. Nó hoạt động tốt, nhưng khi kiểm tra đơn vị nó phá vỡ, và đưa ra lỗi: "$ cookieStoreProvider < - $ cookieStore < - filtersService".Nhà cung cấp không xác định CookieStore

Dịch vụ này trông như thế này:

serviceModule.factory('filtersService', ['$rootScope', '$location', '$cookieStore', function($rootScope, $location, $cookieStore){ 
    return { 
     getFilters: function(){...} 

Và các dịch vụ đơn vị thử nghiệm trông như thế này:

describe('filtersService tests', function(){ 
var filtersService; 

beforeEach(inject(function(filtersService, urlService, $location){ 

    filtersService = filtersService; 
    urlService = urlService; 

it('test something', inject(function(filtersService, $location){ 

Tôi đã bao gồm góc-cookie trong file test nghiệp.

Bất kỳ ý tưởng nào về lý do mã hoạt động khi chạy, nhưng các lần hủy không thành công?

Cập nhật:

Karma Config File: 
// Karma configuration 
// Generated on Sun May 12 2013 16:57:21 GMT+0200 (CEST) 

// base path, that will be used to resolve files and exclude 
basePath = '../'; 

// list of files/patterns to load in the browser 
files = [ 

// list of files to exclude 
exclude = [ 


// test results reporter to use 
// possible values: 'dots', 'progress', 'junit' 
reporters = ['progress']; 

// web server port 
port = 9876; 

// cli runner port 
runnerPort = 9100; 

// enable/disable colors in the output (reporters and logs) 
colors = true; 

// level of logging 
// possible values: LOG_DISABLE || LOG_ERROR || LOG_WARN || LOG_INFO || LOG_DEBUG 
logLevel = LOG_INFO; 

// enable/disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes 
autoWatch = true; 

// Start these browsers, currently available: 
// - Chrome 
// - ChromeCanary 
// - Firefox 
// - Opera 
// - Safari (only Mac) 
// - PhantomJS 
// - IE (only Windows) 
browsers = ['Chrome']; 

// If browser does not capture in given timeout [ms], kill it 
captureTimeout = 60000; 

// Continuous Integration mode 
// if true, it capture browsers, run tests and exit 
singleRun = false; 

Bạn có thể hiển thị tệp cấu hình nghiệp vụ không? – Blackhole


@Blackhole Tất nhiên, nó được thêm vào bây giờ. – Dofs


bạn không phải bao gồm tệp cookies.js trong mảng 'tệp'? giống như bạn làm trong index.html: '' –

Trả lời


Từ ý kiến ​​trên, có vẻ như sự phụ thuộc vào 'ngCookies' được khai báo trong một module riêng biệt.

Để sửa lỗi này cố gắng tuyên bố nó trong mô-đun dịch vụ của bạn:

var serviceModule = angular.app('App.services', ['ngCookies']); 

Đây là cách đề nghị sửa chữa này.

Nếu vì một lý do nào, bạn không thể thay đổi định nghĩa serviceModule, bạn cũng có thể khai báo nó một lần nữa trong các thử nghiệm đơn vị của bạn:


Tuy nhiên tôi sẽ khuyên bạn nên thay đổi nó trong cơ sở mã của bạn để serviceModule của bạn không phụ thuộc vào mô-đun ứng dụng chính của bạn để mô-đun hoạt động bình thường.


Tôi sẽ thêm rằng bao gồm angular-cookies.js cũng được yêu cầu để giải pháp này hoạt động. –


Các OP tạo ra chặn sử dụng nhà máy .. Tuy nhiên, tôi đã sửa chữa một số mã và đã thấy sự đánh chặn tạo ra như là nhà cung cấp ....

.provider('myHttpInterceptor', function 
    HttpInterceptorProvider($injector, _, apiConfig) { 
       var self = this; 

Trong trường hợp bạn có một tình huống như thế này và vấp vào câu hỏi SO này, đây là cách tôi giải quyết vấn đề của tôi.

tôi đã cố gắng cắm trong $ cookieStore trong hàm và thậm chí cố gắng sử dụng $ bơm nhưng tôi vẫn tiếp tục nhận được Unknown cung cấp CookieStore (vì thế làm thế nào tôi tìm thấy bài viết này)

Con đường tôi giải quyết vấn đề của tôi là để tìm ra $ có được phương pháp và ném vào cửa hàng cookie ở đó.

this.$get = function($q, $cookieStore, myCache) { 
       return { 
        'request': function(config) { 

nhìn lại, điều này khá phù hợp với provider recipe documentation.


Tôi gặp sự cố tương tự khi sử dụng cookie góc và tải tệp góc.Tôi giải quyết nó theo cách này:

First, I´ve checked all the dependencies on my app with bower list :

-bash-4.1$ bower list 
bower check-new  Checking for new versions of the project dependencies.. 
APPNAME#0.0.0 /home/git/APPNAME/test.git 
├── angular#1.2.28 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
├─┬ angular-bootstrap#0.11.2 (latest is 0.13.2) 
│ └── angular#1.2.28 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
├─┬ angular-cookies#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
│ └── angular#1.2.28 incompatible with 1.4.3 (1.4.3 available, latest is 1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333) 
├─┬ angular-file-upload#1.2.0 
│ └── angular#1.2.28 (1.2.29-build.592+sha.b041b66 available, latest is 1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333) 

As you will see, bower tells me about the incompatibility between angular 1.2.28 and 1.4.3, then, we have a library problem. The same for angular-cookies and angular-file-upload.

After that, I just decided to clean all my bower_components dir with rm -fr bower_components and run a new bower install to ensure all the libraries are "fresh-installed".

-bash-4.1$ rm -fr bower_components 
-bash-4.1$ cd .. 
-bash-4.1$ cd .. 
-bash-4.1$ bower install 
bower jquery#~1.11.0   cached git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git#1.11.3 
bower jquery#~1.11.0   validate 1.11.3 against git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git#~1.11.0 
bower es5-shim#~3.0.1   cached git://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim.git#3.0.2 
bower es5-shim#~3.0.1   validate 3.0.2 against git://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim.git#~3.0.1 
bower angular-resource#>=1.2.* cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-resource.git#1.4.3 
bower angular-resource#>=1.2.*   validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-resource.git#>=1.2.* 
bower angular-cookies#>=1.2.*   cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-cookies.git#1.4.3 
bower angular-cookies#>=1.2.*   validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-cookies.git#>=1.2.* 
bower angular-sanitize#>=1.2.*   cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-sanitize.git#1.4.3 
bower angular-sanitize#>=1.2.*   validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-sanitize.git#>=1.2.* 
bower bootstrap#~3.1.1     cached git://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git#3.1.1 
bower bootstrap#~3.1.1     validate 3.1.1 against git://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git#~3.1.1 
bower bootstrap-sass-official#~3.1.1  cached git://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass.git#3.1.1+2 
bower bootstrap-sass-official#~3.1.1 validate 3.1.1+2 against git://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass.git#~3.1.1 
bower lodash#~3.9.3      cached git://github.com/lodash/lodash.git#3.9.3 
bower lodash#~3.9.3     validate 3.9.3 against git://github.com/lodash/lodash.git#~3.9.3 
bower angular-socket-io#~0.6.0   cached git://github.com/btford/angular-socket-io.git#0.6.1 
bower angular-socket-io#~0.6.0   validate 0.6.1 against git://github.com/btford/angular-socket-io.git#~0.6.0 
bower angular-ui-router#~0.2.10   cached git://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router.git#0.2.15 
bower angular-ui-router#~0.2.10  validate 0.2.15 against git://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router.git#~0.2.10 
bower angular-bootstrap#~0.11.0   cached git://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap-bower.git#0.11.2 
bower angular-bootstrap#~0.11.0  validate 0.11.2 against git://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap-bower.git#~0.11.0 
bower textAngular#~1.4.1     cached git://github.com/fraywing/textAngular.git#1.4.3 
bower textAngular#~1.4.1    validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/fraywing/textAngular.git#~1.4.1 
bower angular-file-upload#~1.2.0   cached git://github.com/nervgh/angular-file-upload.git#1.2.0 
bower angular-file-upload#~1.2.0  validate 1.2.0 against git://github.com/nervgh/angular-file-upload.git#~1.2.0 
bower angular-mocks#>=1.2.*    cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-mocks.git#1.4.3 
bower angular-mocks#>=1.2.*   validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-mocks.git#>=1.2.* 
bower angular-google-places-autocomplete#~0.2.7   cached git://github.com/kuhnza/angular-google-places-autocomplete.git#0.2.7 
bower angular-google-places-autocomplete#~0.2.7   validate 0.2.7 against git://github.com/kuhnza/angular-google-places-autocomplete.git#~0.2.7 
bower angular-scenario#>=1.2.*       cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-scenario.git#1.4.3 
bower angular-scenario#>=1.2.*       validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-scenario.git#>=1.2.* 
bower json3#~3.3.1          cached git://github.com/bestiejs/json3.git#3.3.2 
bower json3#~3.3.1          validate 3.3.2 against git://github.com/bestiejs/json3.git#~3.3.1 
bower font-awesome#>=4.1.0        cached git://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.git#4.4.0 
bower font-awesome#>=4.1.0        validate 4.4.0 against git://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.git#>=4.1.0 
bower angular-google-maps#~2.1.5       cached git://github.com/angular-ui/angular-google-maps.git#2.1.5 
bower angular-google-maps#~2.1.5      validate 2.1.5 against git://github.com/angular-ui/angular-google-maps.git#~2.1.5 
bower angular#1.4.3          cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#1.4.3 
bower angular#1.4.3          validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#1.4.3 
bower font-awesome#>=4.0.x        cached git://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.git#4.4.0 
bower font-awesome#>=4.0.x        validate 4.4.0 against git://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.git#>=4.0.x 
bower rangy#~1.3.0          cached git://github.com/timdown/rangy-release.git#1.3.0 
bower rangy#~1.3.0          validate 1.3.0 against git://github.com/timdown/rangy-release.git#~1.3.0 
bower angular#~1.2.11          cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#1.2.28 
bower angular#~1.2.11         validate 1.2.28 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#~1.2.11 
bower angular           resolution Unsuitable resolution declared for angular: 1.4.1 

Unable to find a suitable version for angular, please choose one: 
    1) angular#~1.2.11 which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-file-upload#1.2.0 
    2) angular#>=1 which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-bootstrap#0.11.2 
    3) angular#>= 1.0.8 which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-ui-router#0.2.15 
    4) angular#^1.2.6 which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-socket-io#0.6.1 
    5) angular#^1.2.x which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-google-places-autocomplete#0.2.7 
    6) angular#1.2 - 1.4 which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-google-maps#2.1.5 
    7) angular#1.4.3 which resolved to 1.4.3 and is required by angular-cookies#1.4.3, angular-mocks#1.4.3, angular-resource#1.4.3, angular-sanitize#1.4.3, angular-scenario#1.4.3 
    8) angular#>=1.3.x which resolved to 1.4.3 and is required by textAngular#1.4.3 

Prefix the choice with ! to persist it to bower.json 

? Answer: 7! 

bower asked me to choose between the versions for angular and I´ve chosen the 7th option, as it´s angular 1.4.3, the latest of the versions required in most of the components of my app. After that, bower did the installation, and linked angular 1.4.3 to all the bower_components that require it:

bower angular           resolution Saved angular#1.4.3 as resolution 
bower es5-shim#~3.0.1         install es5-shim#3.0.2 
bower angular-sanitize#>=1.2.*       install angular-sanitize#1.4.3 
bower bootstrap-sass-official#~3.1.1      install bootstrap-sass-official#3.1.1+2 
bower jquery#~1.11.0          install jquery#1.11.3 
bower angular-resource#>=1.2.*       install angular-resource#1.4.3 
bower angular-cookies#>=1.2.*       install angular-cookies#1.4.3 
bower angular-bootstrap#~0.11.0       install angular-bootstrap#0.11.2 
bower angular-ui-router#~0.2.10       install angular-ui-router#0.2.15 
bower lodash#~3.9.3          install lodash#3.9.3 
bower angular-socket-io#~0.6.0       install angular-socket-io#0.6.1 
bower bootstrap#~3.1.1         install bootstrap#3.1.1 
bower angular-google-places-autocomplete#~0.2.7   install angular-google-places-autocomplete#0.2.7 
bower textAngular#~1.4.1         install textAngular#1.4.3 
bower angular-file-upload#~1.2.0       install angular-file-upload#1.2.0 
bower json3#~3.3.1          install json3#3.3.2 
bower angular-mocks#>=1.2.*        install angular-mocks#1.4.3 
bower rangy#~1.3.0          install rangy#1.3.0 
bower angular-google-maps#~2.1.5       install angular-google-maps#2.1.5 
bower font-awesome#>=4.0.x        install font-awesome#4.4.0 
bower angular#1.4.3          install angular#1.4.3 
bower angular-scenario#>=1.2.*       install angular-scenario#1.4.3 

es5-shim#3.0.2 client/bower_components/es5-shim 

angular-sanitize#1.4.3 client/bower_components/angular-sanitize 
└── angular#1.4.3 

bootstrap-sass-official#3.1.1+2 client/bower_components/bootstrap-sass-official 

jquery#1.11.3 client/bower_components/jquery 

angular-resource#1.4.3 client/bower_components/angular-resource 
└── angular#1.4.3 

angular-cookies#1.4.3 client/bower_components/angular-cookies 
└── angular#1.4.3 

angular-bootstrap#0.11.2 client/bower_components/angular-bootstrap 
└── angular#1.4.3 

angular-ui-router#0.2.15 client/bower_components/angular-ui-router 
└── angular#1.4.3 

lodash#3.9.3 client/bower_components/lodash 

angular-socket-io#0.6.1 client/bower_components/angular-socket-io 
└── angular#1.4.3 

bootstrap#3.1.1 client/bower_components/bootstrap 
└── jquery#1.11.3 

angular-google-places-autocomplete#0.2.7 client/bower_components/angular-google-places-autocomplete 
└── angular#1.4.3 

textAngular#1.4.3 client/bower_components/textAngular 
├── angular#1.4.3 
├── font-awesome#4.4.0 
└── rangy#1.3.0 

angular-file-upload#1.2.0 client/bower_components/angular-file-upload 
└── angular#1.4.3 

json3#3.3.2 client/bower_components/json3 

angular-mocks#1.4.3 client/bower_components/angular-mocks 
└── angular#1.4.3 

rangy#1.3.0 client/bower_components/rangy 

angular-google-maps#2.1.5 client/bower_components/angular-google-maps 
├── angular#1.4.3 
└── lodash#3.9.3 

font-awesome#4.4.0 client/bower_components/font-awesome 

angular#1.4.3 client/bower_components/angular 

angular-scenario#1.4.3 client/bower_components/angular-scenario 
└── angular#1.4.3 

And now, I run a bower list again, to check how the dependencies were now:

-bash-4.1$ bower list 
bower check-new  Checking for new versions of the project dependencies.. 
appName#0.0.0 /home/git/appName/test.git 
├─┬ angular-bootstrap#0.11.2 (latest is 0.13.2) 
│ └── angular#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
├─┬ angular-cookies#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
│ └── angular#1.4.3 (latest is 1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333) 
├─┬ angular-file-upload#1.2.0 
│ └── angular#1.4.3 incompatible with ~1.2.11 (1.2.29-build.592+sha.b041b66 available, latest is 1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333) 
├─┬ angular-google-maps#2.1.5 
│ ├── angular#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
│ └── lodash#3.9.3 (3.10.1 available) 
├─┬ angular-google-places-autocomplete#0.2.7 
│ └── angular#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
├─┬ angular-mocks#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
│ └── angular#1.4.3 
├─┬ angular-resource#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
│ └── angular#1.4.3 
├─┬ angular-sanitize#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
│ └── angular#1.4.3 
├─┬ angular-scenario#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
│ └── angular#1.4.3 
├─┬ angular-socket-io#0.6.1 (latest is 0.7.0) 
│ └── angular#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
├─┬ angular-ui-router#0.2.15 
│ └── angular#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
├─┬ bootstrap#3.1.1 (latest is 3.3.5) 
│ └── jquery#1.11.3 (3.0.0-alpha1+compat available) 
├── bootstrap-sass-official#3.1.1+2 (latest is 3.3.5) 
├── es5-shim#3.0.2 (latest is 4.1.10) 
├── font-awesome#4.4.0 
├── jquery#1.11.3 (latest is 3.0.0-alpha1+compat) 
├── json3#3.3.2 
├── lodash#3.9.3 (latest is 3.10.1) 
└─┬ textAngular#1.4.3 
    ├── angular#1.4.3 (1.4.4-build.4150+sha.39ff333 available) 
    ├── font-awesome#4.4.0 
    └── rangy#1.3.0 

As you will see, I still see an incompatible dependency in angular-file-upload component. Then, I run into the component dir, and installed LOCALLY FOR THIS COMPONENT a new version of angular (the required one for the component itself):

-bash-4.1$ cd client/ 
-bash-4.1$ cd bower_components/ 
-bash-4.1$ cd angular-file-upload/ 
-bash-4.1$ bower install angular --save 
bower angular#*     cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#1.4.3 
bower angular#*    validate 1.4.3 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#* 

Unable to find a suitable version for angular, please choose one: 
    1) angular#~1.2.11 which resolved to 1.2.28 and is required by angular-file-upload 
    2) angular#~1.4.3 which resolved to 1.4.3 

Prefix the choice with ! to persist it to bower.json 

? Answer: 1! 
bower angular    resolution Saved angular#~1.2.11 as resolution 

After that, everything went ok and there was not more injection or dependency problems. Hope it may help you.


Điểm chính là phiên bản angular.js và phiên bản cookie góc phải giống nhau. enter image description here

sau khi tôi đối sánh với chúng, nó đã hoạt động đối với tôi.